About us

BULGARIAN ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION is the oldest archaeological organisation in Bulgaria. We are established in 2000 and already 15 years we support the open mind and free lance archaeologists in Bulgaria. We strongly opposed the totalitarian and old system coming from the "Dark ages" of Bulgarian history (1944-1989) and we insist for equal rights for all Bulgarian scientist independently from their employment or political relationships. We believe in the science as an independent institution and we will give all our energy for protecting and promoting of the advanced scientist in Bulgaria.

Our main functions are:

  • To work for popularization of cultural and historical monuments in Bulgaria and in the Balkans.
  • To stimulate research and publishing.
  • To organize and coordinate cultural and scientific activities in Bulgaria and neighboring countries (For example: archaeological researches, the regional and international production of publications, the archaeological exhibitions etc.)


Bulgarian Archaeological Association is an open organization whose membership is free. Our member can became everyone who is curiose about Antient History and Archaeology. Our only goal is to protect and promote the Bulgarian cultural heritage.

To became our member please feel in the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible. Any aadditional questions you can send to baa@bgheritage.bg.

Membership form



Date of birth:




Archaeological specialisation:

Geographical focus:

Chronological focus:


I accept the BAA Statute.